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Your Custom Website

Drive Customers directly to your restaurant with a  custom  Website

Your digital presence should mirror your brand's essence. At BOSS IT, we provide solutions that enhance direct purchases, optimise upsell opportunities, and ensure a smooth checkout process. Whether you're looking to revamp your current site or start fresh, we've got you covered with the ideal solution.

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But what other benefits does having your own Website bring?
Website and app

  Increase   Profits & Reduced Costs

Lower Fees: Third-party delivery platforms often charge high commission fees, which can be as much as 30% per order. By having your own website, you avoid these fees, allowing you to retain more of your revenue​.

Higher Average Order Value: Customers ordering directly from your website tend to spend more per order compared to those using third-party platforms​.


  Enhanced   Control & Branding

Brand Customisation: Your own website allows for control over the look and feel, ensuring it aligns with your brand identity. This includes menu presentation, promotional offers, and overall user experience​.

Quality Control: Managing orders directly enables better control over the accuracy and quality of the food being delivered, as well as the customer experience from start to finish​.

Customer offerings

  Direct   Customer Relationships

Customer Data: Owning the ordering process means you collect valuable customer data, which can be used to improve service, personalise marketing, and build loyalty programs​​.

Loyalty Programs: Implementing your own loyalty and retention campaigns can increase repeat business. We offer built-in tools to create custom loyalty programs that keep customers coming back.


  Marketing   Opportunities

Integrated Marketing: Your website can be integrated with various marketing tools such as Google Ads and social media platforms, driving traffic directly to your online ordering system​​. This is particularly helpful for SEO. 

Promotions and Discounts: You can easily run targeted promotions and discounts to attract new customers and encourage repeat orders​.

third party apps
Join the ranks of successful restaurants with your custom App and Website. Seize control over your brand, harness customer data to make informed decisions, and delight your patrons with tailored experiences. It's time to forge a direct connection with your customers and pave the way for long-term growth and profitability. Contact us today to embark on this exciting digital journey together.